I was born in a refugee camp in Thailand and moved to Boston as a young child. Pursuing higher education was a chance to escape poverty and be a role model to my five younger siblings. But, being the first in my family to consider college, I had no idea where to begin.
I met my uAspire advisor when I was flailing a bit in high school, unable to envision my future or a clear path forward. With Claire’s encouragement and guidance, I stepped up my game and started applying to colleges. She helped me understand my financial aid offers and make informed financial decisions that I still benefit from today.
College was still challenging as I struggled academically while working full-time to pay bills. I left my first college without a plan, but my uAspire advisor helped me to see that I had the power to open another door. With her support, I went to community college and transferred to Northeastern University where I earned my accounting degree.
uAspire changed the trajectory of my life. Throughout my educational journey, my uAspire advisors gave me the resources, support, and confidence to keep moving forward. Now, years later, I work in tech, own a home, paid off my student loans – and give back to the organization that made this all possible as a board member.
The pathway to a college degree is rarely straight, and it’s amazing what students can do when they have a supportive advisor by their side focused on their success throughout their journey. Mine is one of the thousands of stories of uAspire students who overcome obstacles and make it to the finish line, improving their economic mobility and that of generations to follow.